15 May 2015

Task 3: Web Based Lesson Plan

LEVEL                                              : Lower-intermediate Form 1

TIME                                                 : 7.40-8.40 am (1 hour)

AIMS/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES  : By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to
                                                            1. Construct sentences by using the correct adjectives to                                                                             describe the clothing. (Sentence level)
                                                            2. Present a paragraph of sentences by using the correct                                                                               adjectives to describe the clothing

TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS     : A Youtube video, online fashion game, and padlet

LANGUAGE FOCUS                        : Writing and speaking

PROCEDURE                                    :

Set Induction

1. The teacher greets the students.

2. The teacher plays a video of 'The Clothing Song' derived from Youtube page.

3. The teacher prompts the students to label and identify the clothes that she is wearing.

4. The teacher introduces the lesson of the day, 'My Fashion'


Activity 1

1. The teacher draws a circle on the board with 3 air bubbles coming from it and in each write shirt/blouse, trousers/skirt and shoes.

2. The teacher goes to the game
 and demonstrates how to create the fashion for the cartoon in that website. If there is any student who already knows how to do it, the teacher asks that student to demonstrate (to give more chances for the students and to polish up their leadership skills).

3. The teacher prompts the students to construct sentences to describe the fashion.
For example: Anita is wearing yellow shirt, blue striped skirt and light green heels. 
Then, the teacher goes to padlet application and writes the sentence on the padlet.

4. The teacher selects a student (Student A) to design her own fashion and snap the picture of it (there is a button in the game to snap the picture) by using teacher’s computer (teacher’s computer is connected to the projector)

5. The teacher asks all students to log into the padlet, observe the fashion style and write a sentence to describe what the model is wearing.

6. The teacher asks Student A to choose another student to design the fashion. Step 5 is repeated until there are 3 sentences constructed.

7. The teacher checks the students’ sentences and gives feedback.

Activity 2

1. The teacher explains the instruction for the next activity:
- Imagine they are going to a birthday party with all the classmates.
- Design the fashion that they would wear to the event.

- When they are done designing, move around and take a look at other’s fashion. Then, describe styling.

- Construct the sentences on the padlet application to describe their fashion at the party. The description must contain the fashion of 3 people.

- For example: Yesterday Suraya’s birthday. I was wearing turquoise shirt, purple jeans and yellow slippers. Meanwhile, Hani was wearing blue blouse, white trousers and black shoes. On the other hand, Mei Lee was wearing yellow shirt, orange mini skirt and brown heels.

2. The teacher asks the students to go to the game 

3. While the students are designing the fashion and describing it, the teacher monitors the class and gives them assistant when required.

4. The teacher asks the students to present their findings.

5. The teacher gives feedback.


1. The teacher recaps the lesson.

2. The teacher explains the importance of knowing how to identify the clothing and the vital features.

3. The teacher ends the lesson.

14 May 2015

Hypertext and Hypermedia


As I look to the sky I can clearly see
The glorious sun beaming down on me
The clouds go from thick to a whispy thin
To miss such a view is a terrible sin
As I look around this spectacular place I feel a smile take over my face
The fields of lush green grass are dotted
With beautiful wild flowers the bees have spotted
Busily flying from flower to flower
Pollinating before a shower
The distinctive red of a poppy field
To a tarmac strip they have to yield
The man-made pathway cuts through nature's canvas
Taking us to far flung places around us
To a built up concrete industrial machine
Where places like this are rarely seen
So whenever you visit the countryside
Take a few moments to put aside
So you will remember what you have seen
Before you return to the not so green.

Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/countryside-to-city#ixzz3ZyU7scFh Family Friend Poems